📣 We need more ambitious legislation to make our homes greener!

Ask your MEP to support the Energy Performance of Buildings Directive (EPBD)!

The EU Parliament is going to vote on the EPBD on March 14th. By adopting this directive, and supporting it in the following phases of the negotiations, MEPs can make sure that banks play their part in speeding up the wave of building renovations across Europe we need by providing affordable finance for everyone.

Passing the EPBD would give a crucial boost to the green transition, supporting the creation of new jobs and increasing our capacity to tackle the climate crisis with new and effective tools! To make this happen, we want to show MEPs that people believe this vote is pivotal. With your help we can convince those who are still undecided and demonstrate to the EU Parliament how much we care about this important directive. Write them a tweet now to show that a key part of the solution to the climate crisis is on the table, and they must give it the green light!

Select the MEP to tweet at

Morten Petersen

Morten Petersen


Group: Renew

Status: Supports
Sean Kelly

Sean Kelly


Group: EPP

Status: Supports
Tsveltina Penkova

Tsveltina Penkova


Group: S&D

Status: Supports
Esther De Lange

Esther De Lange


Group: EPP

Status: Unknown
Stephanie Yon-Courtin

Stephanie Yon-Courtin


Group: Renew

Status: Unknown
Jonas Fernandez

Jonas Fernandez


Group: S&D

Status: Unknown